Why do humans always look at these things from the wrong perspective? Predators deserve our sympathy, too.
Powell’s face appeared on screen. “It’s true, the doomsday crowd is a little crazy,” she said, looking thoughtful. “But that doesn’t mean they’re wrong.
You remarked once in a fit of pique you had made me famous. You were wrong, my dear. You have made me.
Suddenly, I saw ocean again—then another horizon line—but this time the deep blue sky was on the wrong side of the line…the Holy crap, we’re upside down side.
Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.
You believe stealing is wrong, but if your family was starving and could not afford bread, wouldn't you say it’s okay to steal a loaf to feed them?
Keep practicing," he told her. "Until I get it right?" she said. But he corrected her. "No. Until you don't get it wrong.
There's no right or wrong way to hurt. Everybody does it their own way. It's how we respond to pain that tells the kind of person we are.
Walk in faith. Do not let your doubts take the lead ahead of you; they will show you the wrong path. Being a pessimist is a failure plan uncompleted.
Take a step that has a purpose of leading you to where you have planned to go. When the destination is right and the direction is wrong, it is impossible to get there. Make a step.
Was it wrong that I kind of wanted to do her right there? Okay, Kate. Be professional about this. Also you have a girlfriend. A girlfriend who can juggle cars.
Stop holding-on to the wrong people. Let them go on their own way; if not for you, then for them.
Who is a Jew? A person whose integrity decays when unmoved by the knowledge of wrong done to other people.
...he had to comfort himself with the firm conviction that most of what he objected to in Mohawk and the world at large was not the result of people reading the wrong books, but rather of not reading any at all.
Don’t get me wrong. I like dogs. I love them, in fact. It’s their human counterparts I could sometimes do without.
The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.
It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.
A wise man governs his eyes, not because it is wrong to delight in beauty, but because otherwise his delight may suffer transmutation into something very different.
Betrayed and wronged in everything, I’ll flee this bitter world where vice is king, And seek some spot unpeopled and apart Where I’ll be free to have an honest heart.
I was in love. Either that, or I was knocking on the wrong door. But it didn’t matter, because nobody answered.
You know…it always seems obvious to outsiders when someone is doing something wrong, but when your mind is in the midst of evil, it is easy to be manipulated by crueller instincts.