Dark times call for dark choices. Choose me.
I have a choice. That’s why I’m still here.
We are all only men, defined by our choices.
The choice was whether to be sad and foolish or sad and reasonable.
Holy dreams. Holy decisions. Holy choices. Holy actions.
The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
It wasn't my choice to write this story...it was my responsibility.
Choice is the greatest power in the universe; and it is all yours.
We change the future with every choice we make,
It ain't life that left you no choice, its honor!
Remember, we show courage in many ways.
I figured it is always better to be unpopular by your own choice.
Sitting around and waiting for your muse is not the best choice.
Every person has the choice to contribute to or drain from this world.
Our story, Maryland's story, is the story of better choices and better results.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.
Kindness is my weapon of choice. My second is a Semmian dagger.
Pass on it if you’re not passionate; for convictions create clear choices.
Love, above all things, is a commitment to your choice.
Every choice has its consequences. Some more than others