Any decision can be easier if you think carefully about your goals; the dimensions of yourself that are most important to you; your needs and wants; the specific costs and benefits associated with your choices; the commensurability of those choices; ...
Shieks: [in Jethro's tent, Sephora's six sisters did a dance for five minutes. Three shieks remarks were spoken, to Moses, 90 seconds after their dance started] 1st shiek: A bride, a shawl... choose one, not all! [one minute later] Shieks: 2nd shiek:...
There is no "wrong train.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for the real.
It is worse to be irresolute than to be wrong.
Sending our youth to war is wrong.
The best things carried to excess are wrong.
If there's something wrong, speak up!
Made a wrong turn.ones or twice.
The piano ain't got no wrong notes.
And givin' yourself to me can never be wrong
If you're stressing over happiness, you're doing it wrong!
In the investment business, you must expect to be wrong.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
.if it feels wrong, dont do it..
You can't go wrong with love.
They taught me different was wrong.
We are always - always- in choice.
Everyone has the abbility to hurt. It's the choice that matters.
Sluts don't have a choice, darling. And you've forfeited yours.
What we do,our choices, that's what defines us.