There is nothing wrong with standing back and thinking. To paraphrase several sages: 'Nobody can think and hit someone at the same time.
Welcome to the free world. We give people the power to choose. They can even choose the wrong thing. Beautiful, isn't it?
Strength isn't about what you can and cannot achieve. It’s about what you will and will not do in order to achieve.
You want to know what's wrong with the world?" Dad paused. "It's this alienation that permeates every aspect of humanity.
- "What's wrong?" Scott asked. - "It's the way I treated Julie.Like she was the enemy. But she's not. She's the one I'm trying to save from the enemy.
Maybe it was wrong, or maybe impossible, but I wanted the truth to be one thing. One solid thing.
Choose a good attitude and that is the key to making great impacts! Never be fooled to follow the wrong direction; you dreams will be alive and grow into success!
Be aware of the company you keep. You'd be surprised how easily they rub off on you. You don't want to attract the wrong influence.
For a dream to die, something so tragic would have definitely gone wrong! Be careful you don’t kill your own dreams.
If you think your scars bother me, you're wrong. In my eyes, you're a hero. Your scars are just proof of that.
It's going to be okay. Donny doesn't know it yet, but he just picked a fight with the wrong bunch of guys." -- Julian Darcangelo
There are three stages in scientific discovery. First, people deny that it is true, then they deny that it is important; finally they credit the wrong person.
No, this isn't right. I don't think the people doing it know or care about right and wrong. This is all some kind of show, but I don't understand it either.
But let the wise be warned against too great readiness at explanation: it multiplies the sources of mistake, lengthening the sum for reckoners sure to go wrong.
And what is wrong with playing with words? Words love to be played with, just like children or kittens do!
All real fantasy is serious. Only faked fantasy is not serious. That is why it is so wrong to impose faked fantasy on children....
Sometimes the decision is placed in your hands and you just have to go with it, right or wrong, according to what you think is best.
When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right ones a fighting chance- Victoria Barron- dedicated attorney and protagonist of Misplaced
Charity liked brandy. She liked the way it burned her throat while soothing the ache in her heart.
I'm not lazy. I'm just really gifted, only instead of being good at music or math I'm good at sleeping late.
Some girls have a real sexy giggle, but whenever I laugh it always comes out somewhere between a bellow and a snort!