Not everyone can or wants to go straight.
I was eating beans by candle light for a decade.
She was brave from excess of grief
Nobody will deny that there is at least some roughness everywhere.
I think confrontation is healthy, because it clears the air very quickly.
When in doubt, look intelligent.
April is a promise that May is bound to keep.
Everybody's got their own situation and their own needs.
I'm a believer in 'Ignorance is bliss.'
You are victors, not victims!
A lot of things we don't have to have, but they're enjoyable.
If I wanted, I could have ruled half of Bombay.
No man can resolve himself into Heaven.
I am not an Internet superstar.
I don't endorse products, only actions and beliefs.
I could never date a guy with a pet snake.
Even cats grow lonely and anxious.
Woman is the sun, an extraordinary creature, one that makes the imagination gallop.
Believing you're something that you're not excites the mind and the imagination. And it's hopeful.
Students are rewarded for memorization, not imagination or resourcefulness.
You don't have to get it right the first time.