This disease leaves people bedridden. I've gone through phases where I couldn't roll over in bed. I couldn't speak. To have it called 'fatigue' is a gross misnomer.
The whole memorial is for different senses... seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling. I probably would have come up with something different if I had not lived through it.
I completely remember the horror I felt when my pits started getting hairy. I would walk with my arms pressed against my sides.
One might rationally argue that individual human beings should be free choose what moral behavior they approve of, and which they don't, subject to the constraints of the law.
I have always felt that, aside from research that violates universal human mores, when it comes to technological applications, that which can be done will be done.
How precious a book is in light of the offering, in the light of the one who has the privilege of this offering. The library tells you of this offering.
Architecture appears for the first time when the sunlight hits a wall. The sunlight did not know what it was before it hit a wall.
Even a brick wants to be something. A brick wants to be something. It aspires. Even a common, ordinary brick... wants to be something more than it is. It wants to be something better than it is.
Of course, today at the Karolinska Institute, I am working with some top experts - even some Nobel prize winners. They have the latest news and I have the technique.
I have some friends, colleagues here at the Karolinska Institute and even in the United States and many other countries too, because we are working together as scientists.
For me, the most absorbing films are those that address big questions and real ideas but embody them in small examples that we can appreciate and comprehend.
I grew up in New York City. I went to museums so much as a kid, and I guess I didn't realize how much it affected me.
And it's his illusions about what constitutes the real world which are inhibiting him...His reality, his reason, his society ... These are what must be destroyed
You have to say now that space is something. Space can vibrate, space can fluctuate, space can be quantum mechanical, but what the devil is it?
The dark energy is not exactly zero, but the first 122 decimal points are zero. That's crazy. That is really one of the craziest things we've ever discovered.
To suppose as we all suppose, that we could be rich and not behave as the rich behave, is like supposing that we could drink all day and stay sober.
She wondered why they didn't understand that their true selfs were good enough, and if they weren't, then the someones they weren't good enough for, were really the ones not good enough.
When someone writes to tell me something I've written made them laugh or cry, I've done my job and done it well. The rest is all semantics.
With a Web and iPhone app, I try to find new and tiny ways to delight my customers. They may not notice, but it helps drive goodwill and makes your product remarkable.
I think that by and large chess players have been very kind. Like I said there have been a few incidents, but they certainly didn't serve to bring me down any.
Jesus is an example. We have other examples, including many of our ancestors as role models who understood the inner meaning of our orientation.