Jersey gets a bad rap. Most people make an assessment of this state on the ride from Newark Airport into Manhattan.
My interviewing style and my approach to things is that, yes, it's okay to be sincere; it's okay to be yourself; it's okay to be real.
In inquiring concerning the benefits of the plan proposed, I shall proceed upon the supposition that female seminaries will be patronized throughout our country.
I cook more theoretically than I do practically. My job is creative, and in the kitchen, the biggest part of my creativity is theoretical.
If I were a customer, and I was given a dish with peppers, I would hate it. I also don't like blood sausage.
I am not a multimillionaire. I don't own a yacht or a Ferrari. I live in a 60-square- metre flat. My needs are simple.
When I was a teenager, my idol was the Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff. He's the only person I've ever asked for an autograph.
If the Wright brothers hadn't put their lives on the line, we would not be flying around the world these days. So we need pioneers.
There are periods that we forget that in the pursuit of fruit, that if we just abide in Him, then fruitfulness is a guarantee.
There are just certain times I sense the Lord is wanting me to write, and so I write.
If a large city can, after intense intellectual efforts, choose for its mayor a man who merely will not steal from it, we consider it a triumph of the suffrage.
I remember saying that wars must not be glorified, but wars must be remembered.
If I knew where I was going, I wouldn't do it. When I can predict or plan it, I don't do it.
My father probably - he had flashes of creativity - he used to do store windows for fruit stores that he worked in and stuff.
those who believed in the Good Lord, for whom death was just a journey, and it didn't make them sad at all
You must be careful when you ask people whether they’re happy; it’s a question that can upset them a great deal.
The principle of democracy is a recognition of the sovereign, inalienable rights of man as a gift from God, the Source of law.
There are two ways of knowing how good God is: one is never to lose Him, and the other is to lose Him and then to find Him.
Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them.
When you think of the condition the world is in now you sometimes wish that Noah had missed the boat.
It’s not something he can do anything about, being a bleeder, anymore than a guy with a glass jaw can do something about not having whiskers.