Even though loneliness affects so many of us, it has gotten scant research attention compared to related conditions like depression or anxiety.
Angels, demons, spirits, wizards, gods and witches have peppered folk religions since mankind first started telling stories.
Biology sets the context, and that is critical, but obesity still boils down to whether a person eats too much or exercises enough.
Many of us are tethered to bodies that sabotage us in our struggle to keep from getting fat, or to slim down when we do.
Whatever the reason for any one individual's tendency to gain weight, the only way to lose the weight is to eat less and exercise more.
Through social media, young people are constantly being pinged about a whole slew of potentially better matches or social activities.
Any successful black person will have to face suspicion within his or her own community about his or her loyalty to other blacks.
We know that we're not supposed to be racially biased, and we don't want to think of ourselves as racially biased, so we tell ourselves a different story.
Freud was a hero. He descended to the Underworld and met there stark terrors. He carried with him his theory as a Medusa's head which turned these terrors to stone.
When you truly give up trying to be whole through others, you end up receiving what you always wanted from others.
First of all, Shakespeare is about pleasure and interest. He was from the first moment he actually wrote something for the stage, and he remains so.
In order to heal themselves, people must recognize, first, that they have an inner guidance deep within and, second, that they can trust it.
It became extremely important that we go and see the four heads of the governments, and the message was delivered, with the tea packets, to all these heads.
I grew with it, and I used to go to see the monks, who had no possessions, even more extreme than my mother.
I have not proved that the universe is, in fact, a digital computer and that it's capable of performing universal computation, but it's plausible that it is.
It's also a reasonable scientific program to look at the dynamics of the standard model and to try to prove from that dynamics that it is computationally capable.
Style is the instrument you can pick back up when you want to regain some of the confidence you've lost.
Style applies to a lifestyle. It's not about being told this is trendy, you must do it. Now people have more access than ever before.
I think style is very different from fashion. Fashion was what I went after when I was feeling incredibly insecure and monstrous on the inside.
It's quite fashionable to say that the educational system is broken. It's not broken. It's wonderfully constructed. It's just that we don't need it anymore.
Go to a job interview and tell and employer that you can recite the 17 times table; they don't care. Why are we still teaching it?