I - you know, I loved politics more as a younger man.
But transitions from the politics of violence to democratic compromise are always messy.
Eine Frau muss schweigen koennen. Eine Ehe ohne Schweigen ist wie ein Auto ohne Bremsen.
Just be honest with yourself. That opens the door.
Study carefully the law of cause and effect.
Mumbai may not be my city. But it is my kind of city.
I need to meet people to be able to write.
A writer who isn't writing is asking for trouble.
Herbs deserve to be used much more liberally.
The differences between a tart, a pie and a quiche are a blur.
I don't do guilt. Whatever I do, I do it happily.
Brussels sprouts are really quite versatile.
I can't stand recipes that don't have background.
When it comes to the battle of the molluscs, cephalopods win tentacles down.
Seasonality in winter doesn't have to mean sleep-inducing, stew-like, starchy casseroles.
Recipes can be incredibly vague where chillies are concerned.
Souffles don't deserve their reputation as potential disasters.
I always pan-fry sprouts - it retains texture and enhances flavour.
I like to add something unusual to a dish.
I was always unusual-looking; I wouldn't say beautiful.
I have an obsession for quality. I work for my guests, not to obtain Michelin stars.