I knew everything and received everything. But real happiness, is giving.
Vegas means comedy, tragedy, happiness and sadness all at the same time.
Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.
If you look at terrorists, they really have no sense of humor.
As I get older, my sense of humor is my biggest asset.
When a chick has a sense of humor, there's nothing more attractive.
Surprise is not humor. I think that there can be a fine line there.
I think I have always had a little humor.
I don't know if my sense of humor goes over Americans' heads.
I do not stick to rules when cooking. I rely on my imagination.
Everything, I think, about acting is based on imagination.
A person possessed with an idea cannot be reasoned with.
Excellent firms don't believe in excellence - only in constant improvement and constant change.
To change what you get you must change who you are.
I don't want to rap about my car. How generic is that? Be creative.
The New Dealers have all left Washington to make way for the car dealers.
I sing in full voice in the car and have a tendency to harmonize badly.
I got a car when I was 16. I didn't even have a driver's license.
My first car was a '56 Ford station wagon - cost 100 bucks.
Even in the limo, I buckle my seatbelt. I got that seatbelt on before the car moves.
You talk about German technocracy and you get automobiles.