Things might not be great, but things would be okay.
I think if everyone looked the same, it would be a bit boring.
I never thought I would be in a comedic role; my past is in drama.
If the storytellers told it true, all stories would end in death.
If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers.
I would rather be a conscious wrongdoer than a mindless saint.
My whole philosophy is to broadcast the way a fan would broadcast.
I would not think twice about being part of any incarnation of the 'X-Men' films.
I would write poems and think up melodies to them later.
I like to hire the kind of people that I would want to be on stage with.
I would rather have gotten married than have a Hollywood contract.
If Daryl stopped touring it would be a big part of him missing.
If I ever wrote a script myself, it would be strongly emotional material.
I would put my million dollars up as well.
If you are the greatest, why would you go around talking about it?
I suppose if I were younger, I would be investing in Africa.
I would like to be like Britney, but maybe better, but I don't wanna outshine her.
I wouldn't call it radical; I would call it enthusiasm for progress.
If there were something that I was going to endorse, it would probably be something like sneakers.
What in the hell would they do with the farm program without us?
A prisoner's shackles would always be a lawyers joy.