Angel Face: [the Narrator is about to look at some files but Angel Face stops him] Don't worry. It's all taken care of, sir.
Laura Brown: Don't worry, honey. Everything's fine. We're going to have a wonderful party. We've made Daddy such a nice cake.
Cooper: We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.
Harry: Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.
Flight Officer David Campbell: The thing that's always worried me about being one of the few is the way we keep on getting fewer.
Mark McPherson: When a dame gets killed, she doesn't worry about how she looks. Waldo Lydecker: Will you stop calling her a dame?
Nini Legs-In-The-Air: [to Christian] Don't worry Shakespeare, you'll get your ending. Once the Duke gets his... "end" in.
Colonel Blake: Get everything out of the Jeep... Radar: Don't worry about the Jeep. I'll change the numbers. Colonel Blake: ...Oh, and change the numbers on that Jeep.
Inigo Montoya: You know, Fezzik, you finally did something right. Fezzik: Don't worry, I won't let it go to my head.
Dr. Lesh: I'm leaving Ryan here with you. Marty won't be coming back. I... I'm coming back. And I'll bring some help. Try not to worry.
Henryk Szpilman: I told her not to worry, you had your papers on you. If you'd been hit by a bomb, they'd have known where to take you.
Woman: [to Papillon as he is marched aboard ship bound for penal colony] Papillon! Papi! You'll be back, Papillon. Don't worry, you'll be back. Julot: No, you won't.
George Kittredge: [to horse] What's the matter, Bessie? You seem worried. Dinah Lord: Maybe that's because his name is Jack.
[to Ahmet] Ray Charles: Don't worry about it, man. If this monkey gets too heavy on my back, I will get an organ grinder and put him to work.
Jayden: Why? Grace: It's impossible to worry about anything else when there's blood coming out of you.
Sig Poliakoff: You're the wrong shape. Goodbye! Joe: What are you looking for - hunchbacks or something? Sig Poliakoff: It's not the backs that worry me.
Alex Goran: I am the woman that you don't have to worry about. Ryan Bingham: Sounds like a trap.
Evey Hammond: But is it worth it? I mean if they found that here... Gordon Deitrich: I told you, you'll be the least of my worries.
Wicked Witch of the West: But that's not what's worrying me. It's how to do it. These things must be done delicately... or you hurt the spell.
Information technology departments must spend enormous amounts of time and money worrying about integrating big computer systems with billions of pieces of customer data.
The most surprising thing for my mother and father was when I was actually earning more money than them by the time I was about 18. They thought I was going to be the ne'er do well, who they'd have to keep worrying about.