If you don't fit into this kind of like gossipy, trendy, Web-hit thingy, you're relegated to sort of second-class celebrity status.
All my stories are webs of style and none seems at first blush to contain much kinetic matter. For me style is matter.
I know it's very 'old media' of me to admit this, but I am often unnerved by the lack of civility on the Web.
It's heartbreaking to see so many people trapped in a web of enforced idleness, deep debt, and gnawing self-doubt.
I guess I'm the queen of the Web series. Yeah, right. I'm not at all. I'm on 'Leap Year,' and previously I've done 'Supermoms' and now AOL's 'Little Women, Big Cars.' That supposedly did very well.
The musical heritage of Yorkshire is deep and wide.
I'm wide open and raw emotionally to the crowd.
I have a very deep and wide relationship with my fans.
A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad.
There is no rule that says a footballer needs to be 'this high' and 'this wide.'
You don't have that many women in the industry so the lane is wide open.
Kemarahan dan kesedihan sama-sama sulit dipikul
I think 'method acting' is a widely abused term.
Heaven's net is wide, but its mesh is fine
You know, you want to pull in a wide audience.
The fight against the drug smuggling is lost worldwide.
This success led my theoretical group to the chemical reactivity theory, extending more and more widely the range of compound and reactions that were discussed.
In school I really loved Shakespeare, and I participated in a country-wide Shakespeare competition.
It is immensely gratifying to hear from fans from around the world where being a gay or lesbian teen, having feelings for someone of your own gender is simply not acceptable. We noticed that our show fills a huge void for large audiences in many diff...
The night seemed long. Wilbur's stomach was empty and his mind was full. And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, it's always hard to sleep.
The calm serenity of the breeze as it blows across the ocean releases the tangled web within my mind.