I took an interest in the Civil Rights Movement. I listened to Martin Luther King. The Vietnam War was raging. When I was 18, I was eligible for the draft, but when I went to be tested, I didn't qualify.
On March 11, 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union, and within a few weeks the full-scale reformation he attempted to carry out both inside his country and in its cold war relations with the West, particularly the United States, b...
One of the problems we currently have is there hasn't been in the population any serious engagement with the ethics of war because we have an all-volunteer army. I would think the return to the draft would be an intervention that would require discus...
I believe that if we think back to the period from F.D.R. through, let us say, Bush I, until the end of the Cold War, we lived through an artificial period in which American interests and European interests essentially dovetailed.
One of the lessons learned during the Vietnam War was that the depiction of wounded soldiers, of coffins stacked higher than their living guards, had a negative effect on the viewing public. The military in Iraq specifically banned the photographing ...
I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.
Success in war underpins the claims to greatness of many presidents.
When Rosencrantz asks Hamlet, "Good my lord, what is your cause of distemper? You do surely bar the door upon your own liberty, if you deny your grief to your friends"(III, ii, 844-846), Hamlet responds, "Why, look you now, how unworthy a thing you m...
Kirk: Kirk to Enterprise. Spock: Spock here. Kirk: Captain Spock, damage report. Spock: Admiral, if we go "by the book". like Lieutenant Saavik, hours could seem like days. Kirk: I read you captain. Let's have it. Spock: The situation is grave, Admir...
O-Dog: You got some money or not? Basehead: Come on, man. You kmow I'm a little short. Hook me up, man. O-Dog: Nigga, hook you up? Fuck outta here. Basehead: Man, I got these cheeseburgers. They some double cheeseburgers. O-Dog: Nigga, I just ate. I ...
Grandpapa: Now what I want to talk to you two about is the trouble that you've been getting into. Boys, the Lord didn't put you here to be shooting and killing each other. It's right there in the Bible, Exodus 20:13: '"Thou shall not kill.' Caine: Gr...
O-Dog: You got some money or not? Basehead: Come on, man. You know I'm a little short. Hook me up, man. O-Dog: Nigga, hook you up? Fuck outta here. Basehead: Man, I got these cheeseburgers. They some double cheeseburgers. O-Dog: Nigga, I just ate. I ...
McCoy: [Kirk runs in to the engine room and sees Spock inside the reactor compartment. He rushes over but McCoy and Scotty hold him back] No! You'll flood the whole compartment! Kirk: He'll die! Scotty: Sir! He's dead already. McCoy: It's too late. [...
[Discussing the effects of the Genesis torpedo] McCoy: Dear Lord. You think we're intelligent enough to... suppose... what if this thing were used where life already exists? Spock: It would destroy such life in favor of its new matrix. McCoy: Its "ne...
Die Sache mit dem Sündenbock funktionierte wirklich, als noch religiöse Kraft dahinterstand. Man lud dem Ziegenbock die Sünden der Stadt auf und trieb ihn hinaus, und die Stadt war gereinigt. Es funktionierte, weil alle, einschließlich der Götte...
Violence is itself a form of political mobilisation. It is mainly directed against civilians and not at another army. The aim is to capture territory through political control rather than through military success. And political control is maintained ...
A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of a war s...
I hope I am not for the killing, Anselmo was thinking. I think that after the war there will have to be some great penance done for the killing. If we no longer have religion after the war then I think there must be some form of civic penance organiz...
[Anakin has been appointed onto the council, but denied mastership] Anakin Skywalker: I swear to you... I didn't ask to be put on the council. Obi-Wan Kenobi: But it's what you wanted. Your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine seems to have paid off....
Killing a man to save the world, does not save the world.
I would wish this book could take the form of a plea for everlasting peace, a plea from one who knows... Or it would be fine to confirm the odd beliefs about war: it's horrible, but it's a crucible of men and events and, in the end, it makes more of ...