Americans must outgrow the unbecoming arrogance that leads us to assert that America somehow owns a monopoly on goodness and truth - a belief that leads some to view the world as but a stage on which to play out the great historical drama: the United...
I'm not an evangelist Christian at all. I can't try to convert anybody. It's not in me to do that. But my faith has given me such an appreciation of people and meaningful relationships, and a world view which I didn't have before. And although I will...
The world is likely to view any temporary extension of the income tax cuts for the top two percent as a prelude to a long-term or permanent extension, and that would hurt economic recovery as well by undermining confidence that we're prepared to make...
The biggest novelty of 2013 will be new leadership in China. Very little is known about the views of the new leaders - who will rule the country for ten years. But we do know they're the first generation of Chinese leaders who have spent the majority...
My world view is that it can all go to hell in an instant, and you have to be ready for it. That's pretty much the central theme running through my work. It's about people's awareness of how uncertain life can be and their trying to guard against tha...
Living your life 40 floors up, looking out every day on ocean and skies, you see the world from a different point of view. It's like living in a very interesting fishbowl, but since no one can see up here, it's like a fishbowl with a limo tint.
Well, I'm Buddhist, Ray, and so part of my Buddhism has allowed me to look a little more deeply at people and the events in my life that created me. And I think a lot of that Buddhism comes out in the world view in this novel.
if there are many choices of 3.4 billion women/men in this world (2010 statistic: 65% from overall population or 2,2 billion are 15-64 years old women/men) , why should be narrowed with only view to the same beliefs ?
It's also natural in that part of the world to blame what people view as the... as the most important authority in the region, and that currently is the United States of America.
Calamy, Midshipman: [while viewing construction of the decoy Surprise] Excuse me, sir, but what are they building? Capt. Jack Aubrey: Your first command.
There's been an incredible censorship in America and throughout the world, but particularly in America where students aren't even allowed to critically think about evolution, the issue of origins; they are not allowed to hear other points of view; th...
I would have been completely brainwashed by this lopsided and racist view of the world if it weren't for my father. He was a deep thinker and an irrepressible problem solver. He was a Black Socrates, asking why and then spoiling ready-made replies.
A text by a minority writer is effective only if it succeeds in making the minority point of view universal. ('The Universal and the Particular')" ... In claiming the lesbian point of view as universal, she overturns the concepts to which we are accu...
The shortest and the hardest journey to make is the inner one.
I Didn't Ask to Be a Senior Citizen (I Was Drafted)
Guilt is a feeble emotion. It surrenders too easily
The free market is at its best when everybody works in a fish bowl and tells you their point of view... The hedge funds and portfolio managers have a right to do this... We've muted the analysts and their presence in the system.
The Green Party represents that majority point of view within the U.S.
We're not programming to conservatives. We're just not eliminating their point of view.
I find it to be easier to write from a man's point of view.
Human beings, from their own point of view, are very different than what people see.