My mother lived in Holland, and during World War II was incarcerated in a Japanese camp for three years.
World War II brought the Greatest Generation together. Vietnam tore the Baby Boomers apart.
My favorite period is World War II, and I'm in the middle of writing my fourth novel set in that era.
As the Pentagon makes plans for the largest troop rotation since World War II, I will work with the Armed Services Committee to help make this proposal a reality.
There must be people who remember World War II and the Holocaust who can help us get out of this rut.
I could never understand how we could put 120,000 Japanese behind a fence in World War II. I remember being bewildered about that.
Mr. Reagan spent World War II, the global conflict fought and won by his generation, making training films in Hollywood.
World War I was not inevitable, as many historians say. It could have been avoided, and it was a diplomatically botched negotiation.
World War II, the atomic bomb, the Cold War, made it hard for Americans to continue their optimism.
The world has already been saved from war. The question is how Christians can and should live in a world of war as a people who believe that war has been abolished.
I have gone through so many examinations of what a hero is, between the World War II stuff and the astronaut stuff.
My father, who had lost a brother, fighting on the Austrian side in World War I, was a committed pacifist.
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