It's not a silly question if you can't answer it.
The world is teeming; anything can happen.
The world was hers for the reading.
The world of most men is given to them by their culture..
I wokeup in morning and saw, world has move on
A world of goodness surrounds you.
All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.
Perhaps its not the world that is soundless but we who are deaf.
What good is ye world when ye canst not livest hither.
Nothing in this world happens by chance.
Indifference is the revenge the world takes on mediocrities.
the code of a world he'd never been invited to join.
Ignorance is the world's most curable affliction.
The world never leaves one in ignorance or in peace.
She was a free bird: queen of the world and laughing.
The chances of anything man-like on Mars are a million to one
I love driving; driving along the California coastline is the best drive in the world.
Anytime you ride against the best in the world, it becomes a learning process.
Practise things you're good at. Keep on top of things you're not so good at, but be world-class at your best. Never think, 'I'm very good at this and that, I can leave those for a bit.'
The first album was 99 percent hard core to show you I was the best rhymer in the world.
I'm intent on marketing Jamaica. Jamaica has the best coffee, the best sugar, the best ginger and some of the best cocoa in the world.