I've heard of nothing coming from nothing, but I've never heard of absolutely nothing coming from hard work.
I'm this overachiever type, I'll just work and work and I'll just do it over and over and over again.
The important thing for the remembering author is not what he experienced, but the weaving of his memory, the Penelope work of recollection. Or should one call it, rather, the Penelope work of forgetting? ... And is not his work of spontaneous recoll...
We are all made good and positive declaration about the year 2015. We are all expecting breakthroughs in our lives, new things to happen to give us life changing. Guess what my friends, nothing is going to happen without action. We can't fold our han...
He said he had an English degree, and I said, “I’m sorry to hear you’re jobless.” I need to network with people who encounter letters on a daily basis in math equations, not romantic poetry.
Networking is more quality, and less quantity. It’s better to form a solid connection with one new person, than a liquid connection with ten. You don’t want people to think you drink too much.
I've actually always wanted to be able to read people's minds. My sister did a movie with super-powers and that's the one I would have wanted, so I really lucked out. The negative is that people are really cruel in their own minds, but you can weed o...
There are more honest people and more good people than there are thieves and bad people. It's just always been that way.
The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.
The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.
A learned man without work is a cloud without rain.
He who sows the seed of discord works in the devil's barn.
In the morning of life, work; in the mid day give council; in the evening, pray.
If you give orders and leave, the work won't get done.
If everyone were a gentleman, who would make the mills work?
Your hand is never rhe worse for doing irts own work.
The Internet is by the people, for the people.
Great people give it with reproaches.
When the ancient Romans would conquer a new place or a new people, they would leave the language and the customs in tact – they would even let the conquered people rule themselves in most cases, appointing a governor to maintain a foothold in the r...
I knew that to really minister to Rwanda's needs meant working toward reconciliation in the prisons, in the churches, and in the cities and villages throughout the country. It meant feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, caring for the young, b...
Those societies in which seriousness, tradition, conformity and adherence to long-established - often god-prescribed - ways of doing things are the strictly enforced rule, have always been the majority across time and throughout the world. Such peopl...