All great work is preparing yourself for the accident to happen.
All good work has magic in it, and addresses the mind in a subtle way.
Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more.
There is a kind of victory in good work, no matter how humble.
Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil.
When I am presented with good work, I accept it. Wherever it is.
My brother and I have too good a relationship to spoil it by working together.
Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great.
'Work and wait', 'work and wait' is what God says to us in creation.
We must make working life more human.
Mine were informal mentors. They were all in my working life.
I love what I do. I work a lot, I work all the time, but I love it.
I love just working. I love the idea of being a working class citizen.
If acting doesn't work out I'd love to produce, direct, or write.
I fell in love with social work, and that was my undoing as a poet.
Try not to be a person of faith without work or work without faith.
It was a lot of pressure, but I loved working with Tim and I loved working with Adrian.
I've not worked with Martin Freeman. I've hung out with him, but I've not worked with him.
Soli Deo Gloria’ should be ascribed to every good work.
A dreamer must be discovered working or working on it or it is reduced to a wish.
Tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time.