How am I? I would be good if I weren’t stuck at work. I work at a glue factory.
The Merits of Marthaism, and How Being Named Susan Can Benefit YouTrue confidence is born of experiencing your hard work and seeing your determination pay off.
No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy BookA man's heterosexuality will not put up with any homosexuality, and vice versa.
The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works, 24 VolsDon’t work too hard. Try to maintain balance. Don’t make work your whole life.
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly DepartingWhat often matters more than the activity we're doing at a moment in time is how we feel about it.
Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the TimeHer attachment to language was earthy, physical, and immediate. Pretty words you could eat.
Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953