God values Christian character, which shines in positive, outward conduct. Fashion your heart after Jesus.
I dread the beginning of her new life more than words can tell, but I see some hope for her if she travels - none if she remains at home.
The responsibility of any science, any pure pursuit, is ultimately to itself, and on this point physics, philosophy, and poetry unite with Satan in their determination not to serve. Any end is higher than utility, when ends are up.
I like the sound of words, but I don't ever really expect my slow, slanted impression of the world to change by what I read.
Spoken words are like seeds that we plant which will eventually grow into something sweet or bitter. Our actions in this life are seeds we're planning for the other life promised by Allah.
I have a tongue like a rose petal, and when I say I love you, it has the fragrance of truth. My words are my garden, and I’m planting our future.
Hey, can you teach me the word for friend that you wrote on my card?" " ," I say. " ," she says, only instead of , it sounds like . "Shee shee for being my penguin," she says.
Human, witch, goblin, or whatever, a kiss is what is it is created from. Every moment, every heartache, every breath of fear and passion and longing was all wound up in this one kiss. It was more feeling than any word could express.
When did swearing become so easy? You still would never swear in front of your parents or most adults, but when you're with your friends it's like every fifth word. Why couldn't learning Spanish be that easy?
When the words have been said and the music has been played, feelings are the only form of art which will remain to reign.
When the words have been said and the music has been played, feelings are the only form of art which will remain to reign. (Soar)
It is a tragic and agonizing irony that instructions once delivered for the purpose of avoiding needless offense are now invoked in ways that needlessly offend, that words once meant to help draw people to the gospel now repel them.
For one who has an interest in the body as text, airports are treasure troves of information. It seems almost un-American to enjoy delays, and perhaps enjoy is not the best word, but certainly a delayed flight, if it does nothing else, allows one the...
So many people would like to have guidance from God because obviously, if you have a word from God, it's the best possible thing. But they don't relate that to life as a whole. Often they want guidance as a way of opting out of the responsibility of ...
Honestly, I don't think I'm a good promoter. I spend almost zero time or effort asking new readers to sample or purchase my work. That's not the job of the author. We should write our best material and leave it up to readers to spread the word.
Let's be clear - for people like me, who are obsessed with story and for whom words are their medium, writing is the best job possible. I work hard, but I earn more than the national average wage while I play with my imagination, and for me, that's a...
Demons," drawled the blond boy, tracing the word on the air with his finger. "Religiously defined as hell's denizens, the servants of Satan, but understood here, for the purposes of the Clave, to be any malevolent spirit whose origin is outside our o...
Your friend's poetry is terrible," he said. Clary blinked, caught momentarily off guard. "What?" "I said his poetry was terrible. It sounds like he ate a dictionary and started vomiting up words at random.
Dor felt a warm, calming feeling when he said those words- she is my wife - because ever since they were children she was like the sky to him , forever around.
I didn’t say anything; I could find no words that would express the swirled chaos of emotions inside me. So I just watched him go right out the door.
ReThink Real Success: Keeping your word to others and never lying to yourself