Islam deals not only with what man must and must not do, but also with what he needs to know. In other words, Islam is both a way of acting and doing things and a way of knowing.
I spoke the word “moo” into a glass of water, hoping to change the structure of each water molecule into the shape of a cow. I felt like drinking a steak.
Her mouth contorted, and the wrinkles around her lips were like the dunes of a frosted cupcake. And I just wanted to lick her living word machine (mouth).
I don’t mince words—I mincemeat. And combining these two I’m writing a cookbook called, “101 Pies I’ve Never Eaten—And Neither Should You.
Duane: We are not enemies! We are Aldishmen! Aumut vaosa -- six years I've longed for a Tainish word from a friendly tongue! Quigley: Keep longing.
The word "seek" is a verb. Are you treating it as such in your life? If you seek change, success, or love, DO it - BE it!
Whether you think you're right or you think you're wrong. You're right." "If you think in pictures, write. If you think in words, paint.
But for the first time, Boaz couldn't think of a single word to describe this kind of loneliness, so scary and real it required an entirely different language, new and strange and yet to be invented
If you think you can stand looking and not touching for eight months, you're welcome to try." "Try' being the operative word," he said, sighing. "No, I can't. And I don't want to try.
The night before, I'd gone overboard with my Lila poems, and maybe it's true that I was hoping that in them he'd see the genius of me, the beauty of my words in his hands.
Kindness and good nature unite men more effectually and with greater strength than any agreements whatsoever, since thereby the engagements of men's hearts become stronger than the bond and obligation of words.
There is a master way with words which is not learned but is instead developed: a deaf man develops exceptional vision, a blind man exceptional hearing, a silent man, when given a piece of paper...
She didn't quite know what the relationship was between lunatics and the moon, but it must be a strong one, if they used a word like that to describe the insane.
Those words . . . national and portrait. They were both to do with identity: the identity of a culture (place, language and history), the identity of an individual human being as an object for mimetic representation.
Somebody incredibly attractive just came into the room, and I ceased to pay attention to a word you were saying.
When we live with Integrity every word, thought and action springs from the Intelligence of the Heart and flows in harmony, enlightened by the pure light of Consciousness.
Since there is no one like God, therefore all people should fear Him—in other words, dread His power and be devoted to His person.
I don't understand the whole thrilling verse, but I love the way poetry turns ordinary words into winged things that rise up and soar!
I wish I could read what she's written there. Instead, I pretend the letters are stars. The words, constellations.
That the earth in its course stood still; that a she-ass spoke; that a storm was quieted by a word, we do not believe, and we shall never again believe.
There is no better way to live God’s way than to have His Word in your heart and mind.