The word "yes" brings trouble; the word "no" leads to no evil.
Give your ears to words but do not give your words to ears.
A kind word is like a Spring day.
...the words alone, lonely, and loneliness are three of the most powerful words in the English language...those words say that we are human; they are like the words hunger and thirst. But they are not words about the body, they are words about the so...
Novels are written word by word. If you can write a word, and then another word, you can write a novel—assuming your novel will be two words long. Here’s a two-word romance novel: I do. It’s also a murder mystery.
I love bright words, words up and singing early; Words that are luminous in the dark, and sing; Warm lazy words, white cattle under trees; I love words opalescent, cool, and pearly, Like midsummer moths, and honied words like bees, Gilded and sticky,...
Words can create, words give life, words can build, words can destroy. Words can bring something out of nothing. What are you saying?
Kind words will unlock an iron door.
It’s hard to find words to explain why you love someone, they don’t make words with that much passion. And even if they did, there isn’t a perfect combination of syllables and sounds to create a word strong enough to explain love. Love is just ...
I work in a world of words - words that inspire, words that persuade and, increasingly, words that can send the message that it is acceptable to hate.
Words from the heart reach the heart, words from the mouth reach the ear.
Good words cool more than cold water.
One picture is worth a thousand words.
Kind words are worth much and they cost little.
The Greek word that Jesus said on the cross and that we interpret as “It is finished ” is the Greek word tetelestai. Tetelestai comes from the verb teleo, which means to bring to an end, to complete, to accomplish. In the times of Jesus, receipts...
At the last moment, Antoinette came out of her faint and shouted one word to her child. That word, reader, was adieu... Adieu is the French word for farewell. “Farewell” is not the word you would like to hear from your mother as you are being led...
... it's all words and only words, and beyond the words there's nothing... a word, which, like all the others, can only be explained by more words, but since the words we use to explain things, successfully or not, will, in turn, have to be explained...
A picture is worth ten thousand words.
If one word does not succeed, ten thousand are of no avail.
Church, in the New Testament sense of the word, is not a meeting we attend, but a group of which we are a part, and a group we serve within.
With best thoughts, words and actions we align our past, present and future.