I don't trust novels with points, do you? If a novel is only about a point, the writer should just say it in as few words as possible so we can take it in and go back to watching 'The Bachelor' on television.
[after a customer got his hand stuck in a can of Pringles] Dante Hicks: A little word of advice, my friend. Sometimes you gotta let those hard-to-reach chips go.
Truman Capote: Perry, I know what 'exacerbate' means. Perry Smith: Okay... well... Truman Capote: There is not a word or a sentence or a concept that you can illuminate for me.
Gonzales: No wonder they call him "Dirty Harry", always gets the shit end of the stick. Bressler: One more word out of you and you're chopped off at the ankles!
Harry Block: The most important words in the English language are not "I love you" but "It's benign."
John Dunbar: [voice-over] They were a people so eager to laugh, so devoted to family, so dedicated to each other. The only word that comes to mind is harmony.
Joel: He's seducing my girlfriend with MY words and MY things! He stole her underwear! Jesus Christ, he stole her underwear.
Otto: [Speaking to Alexandria] You know what I do when something frightens me? I say the magic words: Googly, googly, googly. Begone.
Dory: [reading a door] Hey, look. "Esc-a-pay". I wonder what that means? That's funny, it's spelled just like the word "escape."
Sean Boswell: If you get the guy who did this to Han, what are you gonna do? Dominic Toretto: [Holding his necklace] Words haven't been invented.
M. Gustave: I give you my word, if you lay a finger on this man, I'll see you dishonorably discharged, locked up in the stockade, and hanged by sundown.
Proximo: I know that you are a man of your word, General. I know that you would die for honor, for Rome, for the memory of your ancestors. But as for me? I'm an entertainer.
Pat Archer: [relating the last words of the orphan slain by the Hutus] Please don't let them kill me. I... I promise I won't be Tutsi anymore.
Daniel Molloy: What did you see? Louis: No words can describe it. May as well ask Heaven what it sees; no human can know.
Daniel: She's going to say her final words, not through me, but inevitably, and ever so coolly... through the immortal genius of the Bay City Rollers.
Pi Patel: [writing on the lifeboat] Words are all I have left to hang on to. Everything's all mixed up, fragmented, can't tell daydreams, nightdreams from reality anymore.
Adult Pi Patel: With one word, my name went from an elegant French swimming pool to a stinking Indian latrine - I was pissing everywhere.
Sera: That's nice talk, Ben - keep drinking. Between the 101-proof breath and the occasional bits of drool, some interesting words come out.
Ratso Rizzo: You want the word on that brother-and-sister act, Hansel's a fag and Gretel's got the hots for herself, so who cares, right? Load up on the salami.
Painless: [lining up during football game] All right, Bub, your fuckin' head is coming right off. [the first use of the word "fuck" in a major motion picture]
[after hearing of his father's death] Gareth Peirce: [With tears in her eyes] Well, I think they ought to take the word 'compassion' out of the English dictionary.