I wonder how much of the day I spend just callin' after you.
I know that when I pray, something wonderful happens. Not just to the person or persons for whom I'm praying, but also something wonderful happens to me. I'm grateful that I'm heard.
I would rather love you and live a miserable life than live a wonderful life without your love.
It's wonderful to be in love. And it's definitely wonderful to cuddle and have sex and get to experience life with somebody. But it's OK if you don't find him and you're 24. You can find it someday.
I loved my experience on 'Downton Abbey.' We shot it in six months, and it was the first time I'd ever been on TV, and I was surrounded by my friends. It was a wonderful, wonderful time.
I need to lose some weight. I'm getting really fat. But I'm getting older, and I just can't stop eating wonderful food. Rich, wonderful food.
I have a wonderful shelter, which is my family. I have a wonderful relationship with my brother and sister; this makes me feel that I know always where I belong.
She's not forgiven me, but we have a wonderful life from our family and that's the nature and quality of that woman that she can say that.
Ranking among the greatest Christmas movie classics, 'It's a Wonderful Life' tells a beautiful story about the priceless value of relationships.
I wonder: when a Jehovah's Witness dies and goes to Heaven, does God hide behind the door and pretend He's not home?
It's a wonderful world. You can't go backwards. You're always moving forward. It's the wonderful part about life. And that's terrific.
Wonder blasts the soul - that is, the spiritual - and the skeleton, the body - the material. Wonder interprets life through the eyes of eternity while enjoying the moment, but never lets the moment's revision exhaust the eternal.
Rahul had wondered how someone could love their beloved so much that their dedication to them became one of the wonders of the world.
I'm not being offered a constant stream of wonderful parts with wonderful directors that would keep me away from the theatre. When they turn up, I do them.
For a wonderful life Hope for the best, Love without rest, Believe without test, Act without a crest.
The reason I can give wonder is that I feel wonder about the world: the stars, a tree, my body - everything.
My background with Cummings was rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, but Tuesday liked to walk in and do the scene. I must say that she was really wonderful. Aggravating, but wonderful.
Sometimes I wonder if the human race isn't collectively as mad as a sack of door knobs.
I wonder if most people ever ask themselves why love is connected with reproduction. And if they do ask themselves about this, I wonder what answer they give.
I have Vie Luxe candles in every room. In 2006 I spent the month of August in Sardinia, and the scent reminds me of the wonderful time we had.
Randal Graves: And you wonder why no chick will let you stick your cock in her. Elias: I never wondered that.