Man is a special being, and if left to himself, in an isolated condition, would be one of the weakest creatures; but associated with his kind, he works wonders.
I wouldn't trade those 10 years for anything. The Navy taught me a lot of things. It molded me as a man, and I made a lot of wonderful friends.
I measure every Grief I meet With narrow, probing, Eyes; I wonder if It weighs like Mine, Or has an Easier size.
We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That's what connects us--that we're all broken, all beautifully imperfect.
I have wondered sometimes if there are not perhaps some disadvantages in having really blue blood in one's veins, like grandmamma and me.
I am really quite fascinated by echo-locating bats and dolphins and have always wondered how sound affects the unconscious brain.
Walking is a very underestimated exercise in North America. It's all run hard, lift weights and push your body, but walking is wonderful for elongating the body and posture.
People wonder why I always dress professionally. I want to be admired for my intelligence, instead of my body.
SPAM is taking e-mail, which is a wonderful tool, and exploiting the idea that it's very inexpensive to send mail.
I have a wonderful make-up crew. They're the same people restoring the Statue of Liberty.
I'm a big fan of songs like Joe Cocker's 'You Are So Beautiful' and Eric Clapton's 'Wonderful Tonight' - songs that go straight to the point.
Politeness is, you know, is a wonderful thing. Manners are in fact, really important thing. But remember, Jesus didn't have many manners as we now know.
We will restore science to its rightful place and wield technology's wonders to raise health care's quality and lower its cost.
I think my novel, 'Walden Two,' has made people stop and look at the culture they have inherited and wonder if it is the last word or whether it can be changed.
Like most writers, I find the Web is a wonderful distraction. Who doesn't need that last minute research before writing?
I grew up listening to Nirvana and then went through some bad '90s pop stuff - a lot of Australian one-hit wonders.
Trust your instincts above all else. They are byproducts of natural laws and do not sway to your whims, worries and wonders.
I sometimes wonder if I might be a bit of a disappointment to people, because they are expecting all these '80s hits and what they get is a dark industrial wall of noise.
I thought Godzilla was a mess, the monster had no character and the humans didn't either. They forgot to make the movie that went along with all these wonderful effects.
What they prefer to that is to find someone to have power over; someone to own and to bully, to smash and to waste. She wondered if she would ever be in love.
I'm really proud of the characters I've been able to play. Certainly, playing the character on 'CSI' as Dr. Sherman Hawkes is a wonderful stereotype-busting role.