You're better than the life you've settled for. RISE to the challenge of your dreams! Don't just dream it - LIVE it!
It's up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.
If you want drama, settle for the one who will change your relationship status. If you want love, wait for the one who will change your life.
Cheaters are cowards that are tempted to chase the fantasy of what could be… instead of courageously addressing their own self-destructive behavior and cultivating what is.
Don't be so quick to count out the teenagers. Some of the world's greatest changes, brilliant poetry, and innovations have come from the teenage mind.
Each day brings a fresh opportunity for you to set the standard of how dedicated and committed you are to your needs, wants, goals, and relationships.
A beautiful thing happens when we start paying attention to each other. It is by participating more in your relationship that you breathe life into it.
Think of the patience God has had for you and let it resonate to others. If you want a more patient world, let patience be your motto
The reason many people in our society are miserable, sick, and highly stressed is because of an unhealthy attachment to things they have no control over.
Tomorrow will never call to ask your opinion; you don't control it. Stop allowing today's possibilities to be robbed by tomorrow's insecurities.
Most people have an abundance of dreams, but lack the courage to follow them. Help them find that courage by inspiring them with yours.
Cut away the nonsense, the drama, the regret, the scars of the past, and make a decision to no longer let them govern your happiness and freedom.
You were born to journey in the direction of your purpose. Anything that halts your progress is contrary to your design.
Become the leader of your life. Lead yourself to where you want to be. Breathe life back into your ambitions, your desires, your goals, your relationships.
I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed in the morning, the devil says, "aw shit, he's up!
Stop validating your victim mentality. Shake off your self-defeating drama and embrace your innate ability to recover and achieve.
There are often great lessons to be learned at the roots of stress, drama, and heartache. Don’t let the magnitude of the circumstance blind you to the value of the lesson.
Get out of your own way... stop the paralysis by analysis... dream your dream... then, WAKE UP and bring it to life!
You would not be here TODAY if YESTERDAY was your defining moment. LIVE THIS DAY and move towards your dreams.
Stop throwing away days, weeks, months, and years by simply day-dreaming about what you wish your life would be.
When we replace a sense of service and gratitude with a sense of entitlement and expectation, we quickly see the demise of our relationships, society, and economy.