Better to be a loving person without knowing how you got there, than an expert no one can stand to be around.
Sometimes I read reviews, and without exception I will read critical essays that are sent to me. The critical essays are interesting on their own terms.
As a human being, you know that there are some days when you'd rather not talk to anybody - but I can't really do that anymore without appearing rude.
I strongly believe that for the steel prices to be market-driven, without distortions, we need to substantially increase the production capacity.
The Bible is the ultimate authority and infallible, not the pastor and not the elders. And it doesn't mean that you believe everything he says without examining it.
I believe no chef becomes what he becomes without having many people influence him.
You mean other than the wings? I once ate nine snicker bars in a row without barfing. It was a record.
Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God.
The law requires a paper towel ad to be scrupulously honest, but allows political candidates to lie without reproach. What's wrong with this picture?
As journalists, we cannot swallow the official line without question. We should challenge almost everything that dictators, presidents and officials say.
The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.
"Well, It's just painful to see them without nothing to eat and at the same time no God. So let's share our food and our God.
Neither sex, without some fertilization of the complimentary characters of the other, is capable of the highest reaches of human endeavor.
The reason they keep it so tight is that no one liked them, so that without each other, actually, they couldn't exist. They support each other. They support their flaws and everything else.
I have a few caftans just for lounging purposes. When I want to feel free, it's the closest thing to feeling naked without being naked.
I'm incapable of writing without social commentary. I like to think that it's integrated and not really heavy handedly didactic.
We've all had our moments of weakness, and if we manage to get through today without any, we'll be sure to have some tomorrow.
Some people think we're adrift without any guidelines. I don't. I think we've had instruction on how to live.
Oxygen always stays around man, but man sometime breath without thinking about that. Oxygen never ignore man; It is the man who ignore oxygen.
Some people are just quitters, man they just give up, and the rest of us are dreamers without any luck.
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.