The heart of the gospel is that you don't know Jesus without the witness of the church. It's always mediated.
I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived.
I'm going to find whoever is responsible for me sleeping out side with outside without pillows and kick them in the shins!-Enna
my mother is pure radiance. she is the sun i can touch and kiss and hold without getting burnt.
I beg your pardon; I am drunk without a drink. English wine & words are vulnerable to every man.
When a child grows up without a father, there is an empty place where someone must stand, providing an example of character and confidence.
Some estimate Hulu IPO could bring in $2 billion. What will the content providers get? Zero. What is Hulu without content? An empty jukebox.
Without action to back them, your affirmations become the soundtrack of your personal imprisonment; the creed of your stagnancy.
Many companies expect loyal customers without providing loyal service. This has been the visionary failure of countless corporations.
..he wanted her. And at another time, as another man, he would have her. Without hesitation. As lover. . . as more.
We all need something to believe in. Without those beliefs we're just floating particles moving through the space time continuum.
I've seen a range of children's personalities, so it's easier to write about them without patronising them, I think. the emperor striding confidently along without clothes, convinced by them and their inward monitions that their criticism is effecting changes in society.
Do you think that you shall enter the Garden of Bliss without such trials as came to those who passed before you?
We wander along the world along many paths and maybe without knowing it we are walking now along one path towards success!
Labour may be a burden and a chastisement, but it is also an honour and a glory. Without it, nothing can be accomplished.
The planets and moons of our solar system are blatantly visible because they reflect sunlight. Without the nearby Sun, these planets would be cryptic and dark on the sky.
New mothers should enjoy every phase of motherhood without caring about the world. Weight can be checked and controlled. Don't lose your head and mind over it.
Sure, you would lose more bombers without fighters, but, flying in formation, you could get the job done.
I dropped to the lowest point when I allowed my children to go down that ramp into the water without me.
With 'Elect the Dead,' I learned how to make a rock record without a rock band and make the rock record I've always wanted to make.