I think that's a weak excuse, to say because a rapper's getting older that he ain't got it no more. Nah. Don't go by that philosophy. Let's just recognize that talent is within.
For example, in painting the form arises from abstract elements of line and color, while in cinema the material concreteness of the image within the frame presents - as an element - the greatest difficulty in manipulation.
I'm always the girl at the party who, within five minutes, has taken my heels off, hitched up my dress in my knickers, and probably spilt drink down my cleavage.
Deep within ourselves, we find the inner being, the inner source of love, which is our true nature. Love is the only reality, because only love works.
Because when they strike it can be that quick that if they're within range, you're dead, you're dead in your tracks. And his head weighs more than my body so it's WHACK!
Nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants currently live within our borders. That's 11 million people living in the shadows whom we know next to nothing about.
Tomorrow has not invited you yet, so LIVE for today! Tomorrow is near, yet so far away. Choose this day to smile, laugh, love unconditionally, and be happy within.
There is beauty laced within this day… be courageous enough to find it, be kind enough to share it, and at the end of the day, be wise enough to let it go.
It can be a beautiful experience to look for the magic that is hidden within the realm of our lives; but let's not let the process blind us to the majesty that is right in front of us.
I had not yet gotten into the world of light. But I felt as one who, standing outside, could knock against the wall and hear an answering knock from within.
Conventions are unstated agreements within a community to abide by a single way of doing things - not because there is any inherent advantage to the choice, but because there is an advantage to everyone making the same choice.
I was never attracted to being a very proficient singer or player. I suppose I was interested in creating a vision; in the same way I was very drawn to tension within cinema.
The thing about performance, even if it's only an illusion, is that it is a celebration of the fact that we do contain within ourselves infinite possibilities.
I live within my daydreams and nightmares; through that, I have learned to create, and I never cease from doing so.
It's not hard to draw from within yourself to play someone protective of her daughter. I have animals and I'm a daughter, sister, wife, aunt and friend, and I can be fiercely protective.
I've sustained a meniscus injury, shortly after that I sustained an ACL injury so really just going through that and going through some personal issues, personal problems within myself.
That is, a system starts with a group of interrelated propositions which involve reference to empirical observations within the logical framework of the propositions in question.
Capitalism knows only one color: that color is green; all else is necessarily subservient to it, hence, race, gender and ethnicity cannot be considered within it.
I see myself as a person who wants to serve the constituents within my district and find a way to move those who are not in our position philosophically to our position.
We all have that same stream of life within us, so you are a part of everything. Each one of us has the power to make a difference to everything.
Be strong within ones self, but never forget where ones true strength comes from.