I think leaders are incapable of the strength that passive resistance entails.
I don't think success arrives and you're suddenly happy. It's not like that. If people think that they'll be very disappointed.
There is no number or level of success that would make me think, 'Wow, I didn't think that was possible.'
I think we're living in a world where society is very difficult.
I think our skin clears up and we're nicer when you are in love.
I love George Clooney; I think George is brilliant.
I think that passion and love and pain are all bearable, and they go to make love beautiful.
I think Gotye is really dope. The music that I enjoy listening to isn't as intense as my music is.
Anyone that has a music career and an acting career I think is pretty fantastic.
I think there's enough room in country music for everybody.
I think I have a more wider scope for music, I have more taste for music.
I think music influences fashion and has done so for generations.
I think everyone should feel like they can make music, they can create music.
I think the attraction to country music is the fans, the lure of the hardcore fan base.
I think music is one of the hero/sheroes of the African-American existence.
I think music docs could turn off some people.
I think all recent music sucks, and that includes Type O Negative.
Pop music, I think there's a reason why kids connect to it.
I think that's the problem in a lot of music. We've got these record labels.
I think the most important thing about music is the sense of escape.
I think basically most men are misogynistic.