I think it's dangerous to get into ideas of planning careers.
I'll get in the face of anyone I think is wrong.
I think we all have had better days in competition.
A tenth of Dostoyevsky is plenty for a seventh grader, I think.
I think, over the years, I've kind of evolved.
I think back and marvel that my ambitions were so small.
I think that we all carry the divine within us.
I think I'm unique to the game 'cause of my versatility.
I think, to me, reality is better than being fake.
I think I've become more modest as the years have gone on.
The greatness of thinking, is the freedom to think on great subjects like creation and redemption.
I think Noam Chomsky is a national treasure - make that an international treasure.
I think I know a lot about campaigns.
I think we look to the military as something that protects our shores.
I think we should drill up in Alaska.
I think my parents were high when they named me.
I think entrepreneurship is a beautiful thing.
I think all of us are shaped by the choices we make.
I think dieting is bad for you.
I think I scare people. I really have to watch myself.
I think 9/11 affected everybody in one way or another.