I wish I could draw.
I wish there was such a thing as reincarnation.
I wish I sang better.
Good wishes alone will not ensure peace.
TV is the best. I wish that's how life was.
I wish I was more adventurous.
I wish I had a funny story.
Wishing for control is like wishing for the rapture.
Love wishes to perpetuate itself. Love wishes for immortality.
I wish all men were like dogs.
I wish I could be elegant.
We all have cracks and tears and shattered glass within our souls. Some have more than others. We do not wish to seek one who has none; but we wish to find the one who can say "look at me, look at this." We wish to find the one who sees every bit of ...
Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse.
I wish ghosts were real!
Sometimes I wish I were less sensible.
I wish I could do everything in 3D.
There is no difference between the person who wishes he can change his bad character and did not and the person who never wished for it. Wishes alone don’t change the world!
If you have one wish, wish for everything to be exactly as it is. Then wait patiently for your wish to come true.
When I was young and miserable and pretty And poor, I'd wish What all girls wish: to have a husband, A house and children. Now that I'm old, my wish Is womanish: That the boy putting groceries in my car See me.
I wish for world peace, because it's about as likely to occur anything else I can wish for.
Some things change, and some things stay the same. The things that change are the things that I wish stayed the same, and the things that stay the same are the things I wish changed.