Let me think Thinking is all I have If wisdom is a pretense Then let me pretend to be wise
Street LoveWhenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within.
The Oracle of Poetic WisdomA wise person is like a smoothly polished rock: it takes time to become either.
The Perpetual Calendar of InspirationHe has wisdom beyond his years. He’s 87-years-old, and he’s at least as wise as an 88-year-old.
This Book is Not FOR SALELove will wreck your heart like a derailed train. So choo-choose your partner wisely.
This Book Has No TitleI am the All Three Cats of love, and if you had to choose, you’d be wise to pick the middle one.
XazaqazaxIt is so hard to talk with John about my case, because he is so wise, and because he loves me so.
The Yellow Wall-PaperThat's what a man wants in a wife, mostly; he wants to make sure one fool tells him he's wise.
George Eliot