The one great principle of the English law is, to make business for itself. There is no other principle distinctly, certainly, and consistently maintained through all its narrow turnings. Viewed by this light it becomes a coherent scheme, and not the...
Le Corbusier was the sort of relentlessly rational intellectual that only France loves wholeheartedly, the logician who flies higher and higher in ever-decreasing concentric circles until, with one last, utterly inevitable induction, he disappears up...
I thought it very touching to see these two women, coarse and shabby and beaten, so united; to see what they could be to one another; to see how they felt for one another, how the heart of each to each was softened by the hard trials of their lives. ...
In all, 86 per cent of the increased life expectancy was due to decreases in infectious diseases. And the bulk of the decline in infectious disease deaths occurred prior to the age of antibiotics. Less than 4 per cent of the total improvement in life...
Apabila aku mencapai sesuatu selama di atas dunia, ini adalah karena rakyatku. Tanpa rakyat aku tidak berarti apa-apa. Kalau aku mati, kuburkanlah Bapakmu menurut agama Islam dan di atas batu kecil yang biasa engkau tulislah kata-kata sederhana: Di s...
Ya, aku orang yang bersifat adil. Aku kasih tahu apa yang harus kau lakukan. Kalau engkau bisa lulus ujian, kami akan membolehkanmu masuk. Nah, di sana ada danau dengan sebuah titian yang sangat kecil terentang di atasnya. Kalau engkau bisa selamat m...
Indonesia harus menguasai kesadaran diri dan rasa rendah diri. Ia membutuhkan rasa percaya diri. Itulah yang harus kuberikan kepada rakyatku sebelum aku meninggalkan mereka. Saat ini Sukarno lah yang menjadi faktor pemersatu di Indonesia. Setelah kep...
Negara Republik Indonesia tidak mungkin memerangi dirinya sendiri. Pilih satu di antara dua, Sukarno-Hatta atau partai komunis yang membentuk pemerintahan Sovyet di bawah Alimin dan Muso. Dengan rahmad Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sukarno akan memimpin rakya...
Seorang Marhaen adalah oran yang memiliki alat-alat yang sedikut, orang kecil dengan milik kecil, dengan alat-alat kecil, sekedar cukup untuk bekerja bukan untuk orang lain dan tidak ada orang bekerja untuk dia. Tidak ada penghisapan tenaga seseorang...
I felt Mr Willard had deserted me. I thought he must have planned it all along, but Buddy said No, his father simply couldn't stand the sight of sickness and especially his own son's sickness, because he thought all sickness was sickness of the will....
This boy - his name was Eric - said he thought it disgusting the way all the girls at my college stood around on the porches under the porch lights and in the bushes in plain view, necking madly before the one o'clock curfew, so everybody passing by ...
I wanted to tell her that if only something were wrong with my body it would be fine, I would rather have anything wrong with my body than something wrong with my head, but the idea seemed so involved and wearisome that I didn’t say anything. I onl...
—No vas a renunciar a mí, ¿verdad? —No —respondió, y lo hizo con absoluta seriedad. Él era suyo, la única persona que había sido suya. Y lo necesitaba, necesitaba a aquel policía que reprimía su dolor con puño de hierro, que mantenía ...
—Sé quién eres —replicó, sosteniéndole la mirada—. No van a espantarme tus "imperfecciones". —Una húmeda película empañó los ojos de Sophia, volviendo iridiscente aquella negrura—. Tú y yo encajamos —susurró contemplando sus ojo...
Let me be cursed, let me be base and vile, but let me also kiss the hem of that garment in which my God is clothed; let me be following the devil at the same time, but still I am also your son, Lord, and I love you, and I feel a joy without which the...
The worst of such stories is that the triumphant romancers can always be put to confusion and crushed by the very details in which real life is so rich and which these unhappy and involuntary story-tellers neglect as insignificant trifles. Oh, they h...
It is precisely that requirement of worship that has been the principal source of suffering for individual man and the human race since the beginning of history. In their efforts to impose universal worship, men have unsheathed their swords and kille...
Evidentemente, muitos destes cegos estao a ser pisados, empurrados, esmurrados, é o efeito do pânico, um efeito natural, pode-se dizer, a natureza animal é mesmo assim, também a vegetal se comportaria de igual maneira se nao tivesse todas aquelas...
We like to take credit when we get a new idea, as if we originated the idea in our brain, but what we actually did was no less extraordinary: we channeled the idea.
Everything I see reminds me that in a few days I shall no longer see it... It's horrible... I shall see nothing more... nothing of what exists... the smallest objects that we use... glasses... plates... beds where people sleep so comfortably... carri...
I fear that we live in an ahistorical age in which we believe that we are so wise that we no longer need the lessons of the past, perhaps most disturbingly of all that technology has put us beyond the lessons of the past.