Life is never free of contradictions.
It takes one second to ruin a woman's life.
Setbacks are just learning experiences.
Varieties of angels, like varieties of love, are many.
Do you have to have a reason for loving?
I don't think when I make love.
Adultery is the application of democracy to love.
Well, there are different levels of love.
I don't debate with liars.
Why be a king,when you can be a god?
Sobre a nudez forte da verdade -- o manto diáfono da fantasia.
Nobody's perfect. I'm perfectly flawed.
There is no better high than discovery.
I have no privacy anymore.
There is nothing that compares to the Holocaust.
Truth with love is a lie
Shema Israel Adonai Ehohenu Adonai Echad.
Be sincere; be brief; be seated.
I don't write letters anymore.
This young century will be liberty's century.
It will take time to restore chaos