In India, there are lots of places that I love, but my favourite is Kashmir.
I love the free spirit in London.
I love to sing, and I warm up to Maria Callas.
I love to doubt as well as know.
It's such a crass idea - you're either in love or out of love.
I love super crispy, almost burned, snapping-crispy bacon.
In every living thing there is the desire for love.
Real success is finding you lifework in the work that you love.
I love Dickens. I love the way he sets a scene.
I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix.
Love is the last relay and ultimate outposts of eternity.
There are a couple of ideas for features that I would love to do. They happen to be comedies.
I'm in love with college football. I have such a blast with it.
Be of love a little more careful than of anything.
One of the most radical things women can do is to love their body.
The love we give away is the only love we keep.
Breaks your heart when your son doesn't love you.
They would need to be already wise, in order to love wisdom.
Everything I love about America is fragile.
With our love, we could save the world.
Empathy is born out of the old biblical injunction 'Love the neighbor as thyself.'