I'm interested in being part of a majority in the Senate.
I was the first Blunt ever elected to anything.
So everything that ever happened, we knew about in Panama.
A lot of times you're just conditioned by what's around you.
Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it.
Caution: These verses may be hazardous to your solemnity.
As a person... I'm a little more doubtful, introspective and analytical.
No one can take credit for inspiration or creativity.
People don't realize that the future is just now, but later.
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.
I came from the gutter and i rose into a flower
Have you been out in society recently? 'Cause it's SHIT.
Ballet is sort of a mystery to me. And I don't want to unravel that mystery.
Nobody believes this, but I write very fast.
Reform is born of need, not pity.
The policeman isn't there to create disorder; the policeman is there to preserve disorder.
We are proud to have with us the poet lariat of Chicago.
We shall reach greater and greater platitudes of achievment.
We don't have a lot of class-conscious filmmaking.
Not everyone needs to be slammed into a category and locked there.
The very fact of snow is such an amazement.