The death of God left the angels in a strange position.
power happily walks hand in hand with abuse
The future is just a memory that has yet to be born
The Only Good Greed Is Greed For Enlightening Experiences
'Tis no sin to cheat the devil.
In trouble to be troubled, Is to have your trouble doubled.
Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry.
Only Americans can hurt America.
Toughness doesn't have to come in a pinstripe suit.
Ultimately, taste is so niche and so personal.
There are enough no smoking places now.
The moment rules over everything.
I'm a bit of a propagandist.
Character is the result of a system of stereotyped principals.
This is a form of double taxation and it's simply unfair.
I plan to die at my desk.
I have no academic qualifications whatsoever.
I'm not concerned with what people think of me.
I continued to serve in Congress until 2001.
What's the point of elections if everything is already decided?
To change the action, change thoughts first.