Let's make progress, not excuses.
Creativity dies in an indisciplined environment.
My arms are too short to box with God.
We walked to the brink and we looked it in the face.
I created no authority that wasn't already there under the constitution.
Solutions must be based on compromises.
There are people who are seekers and people who aren't.
Precaution is better than cure.
A person places themselves on a level with the ones they praise.
My wealth is not a subject I relish discussing.
It's in the anomalies that nature reveals its secrets.
The deficit is the symptom, but spending is the disease.
Landscape is a piece that is emotional and psychological.
We did not seek ideological confrontation.
A lot of my past is gone from my mind.
Popular culture is filled with girls.
I had to steal to survive.
I want to make America better!
A world of Peace and liberty is my dream
I will go to what they call a court. Only they call it a court.
There's no doubt I expect to die in prison.