America I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel.
My personality doesn't interest me.
I became the messenger who had to be killed.
Love the sinner and hate the sin.
For in our hope we are saved.
I'm feeling a little delicate.
People have boldness to criticize but not to sensitize.
Money is very powerful inspiration.
Some day I shall be President.
Forgiving is not an easy thing to do.
What happened to me in Somalia doesn't define me.
Desire is the seed of potential.
Speech is the voice of the heart.
Actors are frightened little children.
I invent nothing, I rediscover.
What isn’t clear, isn’t French.
Failure is not an disappointment. It's just an appointment for success.
There is no bullet-proof vest in my size.
I really do not make deals.
Righteousness is easy in retrospect.
The Jews are the enemy of National Socialism.