Winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt
The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to QuitSomeone has to be the best; the champion; the winner. Why not you?
The 10 Essential Habits of Sales Superstars: Plugging into the Power of TenH is for Habit, winners make a habit of doing the things losers don't want to do.
The A-Z of 13 Habits: Inspired by Warren BuffettMembers of Congress are like the voters in one respect -- they want to go with the winners.
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!Once dishonesty is introduced, distrust becomes the hallmark of future dealings or associations.
Winners Never Cheat: Even in Difficult TimesMost people like winners, but I prefer underdogs. They’re more fun to pet.
A Zebra is the Piano of the Animal Kingdom