Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries.
Straw for the Fire: From the Notebooks of Theodore RoethkeFaith itself is an act of human willing enabled and disciplined by grace.
The Transforming Power of GraceYou have to be willing to spend time making things for no known reason.
Picture This: The Near-sighted Monkey BookGod can only show you eternity if you are willing to let go completely of the now.
The Papal VisitorPeople are jackals, always willing to feed off someone else's kill.
Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of TalesWe end up kissing her for an hour, and her lips are so soft they are almost like a joke.
Willful Creaturesat points in our lives, we have to choose the hills we’re willing to die on.
Walking on Broken GlassSometimes success is simply being willing to give it your all.
In the Water They Can't See You Cry: A MemoirYou cannot fix a problem that you refuse to acknowledge.
Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril