The universe is the title of time.
Gravity is a habit of time.
The Universe's Not Supposed to Exist.
The universe is a timeline of time.
Monoculture is mono for the earth.
I'm not going to be everything to everyone.
Wrists are for bracelets, not for cutting.
What life is to humor, humor is to life.
I'm stronger and sassier as a redhead.
The power of imagination is a miracle.
The treasure of life, learning.
There is always a hope for the living.
Love and seek for knowledge.
All men have a soul.
Be a master of yourself.
The best boyfriends are the ones in books.
I like walking on the edge.
There are no insuperable constitutional difficulties.
I look forward to competing.
People know what I'm doing.
I'm not big on commissions.