Governor Crittenden: Jesse James sent me a telegram last month, saying he was going to kill me if he had to wreck a train to do it. He said that once I was in his hands he was going to cut my heart out and eat it in strips like it was bacon. [pause] ...
Butch Cassidy: Jeesh, all Bolivia can't look like this. Sundance Kid: How do you know? This might be the garden spot of the whole country. People may travel hundreds of miles just to get to this spot where we're standing now. This might be the Atlant...
Țăranii, în orice caz cei cu oarecare stare, nu aveau niciun motiv să se lase atrași de ideologia comunistă: doreau să-și rotunjească proprietățile, nicidecum să le piardă; țăranii săraci, pe de altă parte, erau și teribil de inclu�...
Apparence de paix Pas de carnage ici, pas de mise à mort. Les drames de l'histoire sont parfois comme une musique qui demeure au fond d'un champ où l'on marche parmi le bruissement du maïs, aimanté par des oiseaux fous à l'orée du bois et sous ...
... supraoamenilor nu trebuie să li se explice nimic, ei n-au nevoie de permisiunea noastră, smulg vieții ceea ce au chef să ia. Se revoltă, ucid, violează fiindcă se numesc Attila sau Don Juan. Cât despre ceilalți, oamenii medii, cei slabi,...
There are times when I long to sweep away half the things I am expected to learn; for the overtaxed mind cannot enjoy the treasure it has secured at the greatest cost. ... When one reads hurriedly and nervously, having in mind written tests and exami...
Ecoute les orgues Elles jouent pour toi Il est terrible cet air là J'espère que tu aimes C'est assez beau non C'est le requiem pour un con Je l'ai composé spécialement pour toi A ta mémoire de scélérat C'est un joli thème Tu ne trouves pas Se...
Gloria în țara aceasta începe cu publicity. Cineva se bucură de publicity doar când aduce profit altcuiva. Cine se bucură în America de faima națională? Cei care fac bani sau cei prin intermediul cărora alții fac bani. O regulă fără exc...
Adult Pi Patel: I wept like a child. Not because I was overwhelmed at having survived, although I was. I was weeping because Richard Parker left me so unceremoniously. It broke my heart. You know my father was right: Richard Parker never saw me as hi...
L’harmonie, me disait-il, n’est qu’un accessoire éloigné dans la musique imitative; il n’y a dans l’harmonie proprement dite aucun principe d’imitation. Elle assure, il est vrai, les intonations; elle porte témoignage de leur justesse;...