That boundless freedom of childhood is so wonderful.
I admire my father greatly.
Exercise is the chief source of improvement in our faculties.
My family is my strength and my weakness.
I'm not a royal family watcher.
Yeah, my family is of Indian heritage.
There was mental and physical abuse in my family.
My family is basically Gypsies - for real.
I have a very, very creative family.
My family was my guide to my reality.
I'm known for impressions and family stories.
My immediate family is real close-knit.
To me, Bermuda is a real family spot.
It's hard to balance work and family.
I like doing family films.
My family is very traditional, Catholic.
I'm really close to all of my family.
Movies are the shadiest business in the world.
You have to be a star to be in this business.
I'm not in business to make money.
Fashion shows are really my way of communication.