It is not easy to age in harmony with one's roles.
I was fascinated by movies from age 12.
I've never worried about age.
In America, everyone's always hiding their age.
Many nonprofits rely on grants alone.
I had an amazing childhood.
My father is an amazing man.
...luck is not to be coerced.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
There are fewer and fewer Republicans.
I wanted to be videotaped.
Death is pleasure when Heaven is sure
I'm turning into a Ho
Nobody is a perfect actor.
I was a precocious child.
Curvy is something to be proud of.
Astrology is a cousin of racism.
There are thousands of directors in Hollywood.
It's all on the wheel.
I'm not small, I'm space-efficient.
Modern dancing is old fashioned.