Trying to be hot, but looking not
Her bluebird of happiness is teal.
Hey, it isn't bad that I look young.
Mistake is an event not a person
Fear of mistakes is fear of success
Be Free, The World is Waiting
The purpose creates the machine.
The power of the delete key.
It’s not just dark in Scandinavia.
Everybody is not a victim.
I realize I'm a mirror.
Politics doesn't matter, policy does.
To learn patience is not to rebel against every hardship.
If you have confidence you have patience. Confidence, that is everything.
Sad Patience, too near neighbour to despair.
Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity.
All commend patience, but none can endure to suffer.
Difficult years lie ahead, patience is required.
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
I have a writing addiction.