I'm not an eye-candy kind of girl.
The Noblest form of Affection
Olvidar un hecho, es modificar el pasado.
She is incredibly fit, but we remind staff that she's not just the monarch, but our mother.
No subject is unsuitable for comedy.
The real boneheads are the libertarians.
I just have an inability to lie.
Stories aren't the icing on the cake; they are the cake!
If I'm not working, I don't know what to do.
Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.
I don't feel guilty in having pleasure!
I'm not meek at all.
Look, Pitbull is a product.
Music is poetry in motion.
Ships are expendable; the whales are not.
I'm not really a fugitive.
Reading is the beginning of writing.
I was in a production of 'Macbeth.'
Don't fix what's not broken.
If you're not pitching, stop bitching
Creativity is a continual surprise.