Tolkien is as good as Dickens at sketching a scene.
I wasn't a good rule-breaker when I was younger.
I actually got really good at unicycling.
Good is the enemy of great.
There's a pressure regardless of that to do a good show.
A good comedy with a purpose behind it is exhilarating.
I'm actually a good cook.
Enough is as good as a feast.
I was a good student in school.
I'm a very good screamer, that's for sure.
I'm pretty good with languages.
It's always good to have a story arch.
One good step breeds another one.
My soul is in good shape.
I have always been a good mimic.
Drama is something I'm good at, I guess.
I have built my organization upon fear.
Fear is the mother of morality.
The greatest stimulator of my running career was fear.
The Spirit of the Lord is with them that fear him.
We fear the thing we want the most.